Friday, May 16, 2008

Metro Ride

I'm comfortably seated riding the Metro here in the Capitol City. As the train pulls into Farragut North station, the screech of metal on metal rails wakes me a bit. As I juggle my head up and wipe the spittle from the edge of my mouth, I look across the train’s aisle and see nothing but an empty seat. I straighten up a bit, a scowl on my face as I think about the 3 or more stops I have to get home, and grab my Newsweek and settle in as the doors open. I neither see nor pay attention to anyone getting on the train.

Halfway through an article about Karl Rove's trials and tribulations I peek up, no more than a swift glance above the magazines edge. Across from me sits a young girl. Cute, jet black hair, red lipstick on a small pouty mouth with the edges etched in a LancĂ´me

brown. Even though it's a bit chilly out, she’s sporting a gray flannel wrap that covers her blue blouse, but leaves her legs uncovered. I notice that she's wearing light colored stockings that reach to black, comfortable looking pumps.

Her face as I said is cute, but her eyes are distinctive in that the deep blue really accents her sharp nose; all against a pale complexion. I look at her and she stares right back at me --- I quickly dip my eyes back to Karl Rove.......

Another stop through DuPont Circle and the train picks up speed to Woodley park-zoo. I look up for another peek and the stare is not only hard and direct, but the corner of her mouth is slightly hooked up, forming the beginning of a smile. I hold my look. Her eyes lift and open a bit more, showing those dark-blues and her mouth opens to perfect teeth. Instantly I start to strategize a response, but before I can she lets her slender arms slowly fall to her sides and relaxes her whole body. She doesn't slump, but she relaxes. Her legs unfold.

Her mouth now comes to a hearty smile with eyes raised and blazingly blue. I scan her entire body repeatedly as it looks and feels like seventeen things are going on at once with her. The look, the mouth, the legs all captivating my, yet the relaxed arms and slightness of her body provides a contrast that enhances her allure. She begins to open her mouth a bit wider, staring hard and fast at me and keeping my eyes peeled now to her blues. Her teeth, especially the two front ones are riveting as her lips come back along with her brows rising. I am compelled to follow her mouth with my own and find myself doing the same in the hopes that something will be said, but there I sit, just emulating her actions.

Her mouth slowly closes again, but then quickly opens up and she exudes a short, breathy moan that rises along with her mouth and eyes. I too follow her mouth with mine, but without the short whah sounding moan. She smiles now broadly. I'm stunned both by her

beauty and her strange behavior, but mostly I'm starting to get all jitty and juicy and quickly take a millionth of a second to look about and see who else is watching this happen --- no one; yet.

I race back to her face and her smile grows, like she knows I'm now hooked. I mirror her smile and settle in a bit, just a bit. She doesn't care who's around or who's looking / listening to her. She begins, loader now, with her mouth and eyes again. wha oaw

wha, opening mouth and closing with each wha oaw wha... up and down, open and close. I'm enthralled as her eyes mock her mouth rising and falling with each sound that escapes from her. I'm almost used to the mouth when suddenly her legs begin to slowly but

surely open, brushing aside the gray frock, her arms never moving. Dudes, I’m now hooked as I slowly stare down and get a glimpse of her legs beginning to part.

The wha oaw wha sound, the mouth opens, her eyes rise, and now her legs open. The second round of groans brings me a perfect, straight on shot of her "No, No Zone". It's perfect. The stockings run up around her hips, but the inner-thighs and "Central" area is

totally ripped open. As she opens and moans I can see the vertical smile under her belt line that completely mirrors the smile she is sporting on her face.

The groans and opening / closing action is getting loader and accelerating and my frenzied face and blood-pressure begins to mix and cause my head to bang up and down to catch all the snippets and views, yet at the same time my head also goes right to left to

ensure that not everyone on the metro train is watching us. Everyone is watching us and particularly her with the noise level moving up. My head is whipping around in a circular motion when my friend Aaron, who I work with smacks my leg. I snap out of the dream and there I am, sitting and staring at nothing as the train sways back and forth down the tracks.

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